Site rules
This offer contains the main provisions and rules, based on which the CRYPTOJET.ONE Service provides services to its customers. Before using the services of this service, the user must familiarize and agree with all of the following terms and conditions.
Exchange rules are placed on the resource CRYPTOJET.ONE in public access.
Terms and conditions of service provision by the service:
1. Key definitions, concepts and terms
1.1 The CRYPTOJET.ONE Service (hereinafter – the Service) is a service that provides services to individuals and legal entities in terms of exchange, purchase or sale of digital assets. These services are provided through a special software package available at the address CRYPTOJET.ONE.
1.2 The User is a legal entity/individual who has unconditionally accepted all the terms and conditions of this offer.
1.3 A payment systеm is a software systеm created by a third party, through which digital monetary units, electronic money and other obligations are recorded, users’ mutual settlements are organized, etc.
1.4 Electronic money (e-currency) is money or other obligations that arise between the persons using this currency and those who created it. These obligations have a digital form.
1.5 Transactions (payments) are the transfer of digital currency (electronic money) from the sender’s account to the recipient’s account.
1.6 Application is the specific intention of the visitor to CRYPTOJET.ONE to use its services by accepting the relevant rules of this offer. This intention is expressed in the form of information provided by the user and its transfer to the service through a special electronic form, which is placed on the resource CRYPTOJET.ONE.
1.7 The initial electronic currency is the currency available to the user, which he wants to exchange or sell, receiving in return other electronic currency or money in another form.
1.8 The received currency is the currency that the user of the Service receives as a result of the performed exchange, having transferred the original currency.
1.9. Parties are all users who have unconditionally accepted the rules specified in this offer and decided to use the services of the Service, as well as the Service itself.
1.10. Currency exchange is the performance of an operation for the exchange of electronic currency of various payment systems.
1.11. Currency Reserves is the amount of electronic money that the Service has in its possession, and within the limits of which users can carry out exchange operations through this Service.
1.12. Exchange rate is the ratio of one electronic currency to another during the exchange process.
1.13. The Internet site of the Service is CRYPTOJET.ONE.
2. Subject of the agreement. The procedure for its entry into force
2.1 The subject of this Agreement is to provide the users of the Service with a number of services, namely: – Services for the exchange of one electronic currency for another or for money in another form. – Services for the sale of electronic money. – Services for the purchase of electronic money.
2.2 Acceptance of the terms and conditions of this agreement by the user is carried out when: – Filling in the exchange request form and its further forwarding to the service for execution. – Registration on the site CRYPTOJET.ONE.
2.3 When forming an exchange request, the User confirms his/her agreement with all the exchange rules and confirms his/her intention to use the services of the Service on the conditions offered to him/her: – This agreement comes into force as soon as the User’s funds are transferred to the Service’s details for further crediting him/her with electronic currency or money in the amount stipulated by the terms of the request. – As soon as the funds are received on the details specified by the User, the current agreement automatically loses its force. This action also occurs when the User cancels the exchange request.
2.4 By accepting this agreement in electronic form, each of the parties thereby recognizes its legal force equal to a similar agreement in writing.
2.5 Any changes to the current agreement may be made by the CRYPTOJET.ONE Service without the need to notify the User of the changes.
3. Cost of Services. Subject of the agreement
3.1 The subject of the current agreement is considered to be the services of the Service in terms of sale, purchase or exchange of electronic currency of various payment systems. All the above operations can be performed only on the User’s initiative and with his agreement with all the terms of the agreement.
3.2 For the services provided to the User, the latter pays the Service a commission fee, the amount of which is displayed in the application for exchange. This commission is paid by the User only after he agrees to the exchange.
3.3 The amount of the commission of the Service CRYPTOJET.ONE for the above actions are reflected in the application in the form of exchange rate and confirmed by the User on one of the pages of the user interface.
3.4 All information about the current exchange rate, methods of exchange and the amount of money transferred and received can be found out by the User when filling out the application.
3.5 When buying or selling electronic assets or electronic money, the remuneration for the Service is included in the exchange rate of each individual direction.
4. Terms of service provision
4.1 Sending a request for the exchange of electronic money by the User to the Service is tantamount to ordering services from the Service CRYPTOJET.ONE.
4.2 The user interface placed on the Service makes it possible to manage the course of the exchange and receive the most current data regarding the execution of the request.
4.3 The processing of the user’s requests is carried out in strict compliance with the privacy policy described in clause 5 of this agreement, as well as with the policy on combating illegal transactions and money laundering described in clause 6 of this agreement.
4.4 The accounting of all transactions carried out with electronic money is carried out in strict compliance with the rules, regulations, as well as the format of the payment systems in force.
4.5 Any completed transaction carried out by the Service at the request of the User is considered irrevocable, i.e. it cannot be canceled by the User after its completion – receipt by the User of what is due to him under the previously accepted terms of the transaction.
4.6 If more than 30 minutes have passed from the time of acceptance of the request, but the funds from the User have not been received on the account of the Service, the agreement will be automatically terminated and will lose its force. Under the above conditions the Service has the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally without informing the User.
4.7 In the event of termination of the agreement, the Electronic Units received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be returned to the sender’s details within the next 48 hours. When making the return, all commission expenses for the transfer of electronic units are made from the received funds at the expense of the User. The Service is not responsible for possible delays in the return, if they occurred through no fault of the Service.
4.8 The Service has the right to unilaterally terminate the agreement if the amount of the electronic currency declared by the User and its actual transferred amount differ. In this case, the Service has the right to refuse to provide the User with a mandatory return of the funds transferred earlier within 48 hours. In this case all commission costs will be deducted from the User’s funds. If there are some delays in returning the money, but they will not be related to the actions of the Service, the latter will not be responsible for them.
4.9 In case of failure to send the cash equivalent to the details specified by the User within 48 hours from the receipt of payment from the User, if there is no reason to block the Electronic Units received at the request of the User by the Service, the User may request the termination of the agreement by canceling his/her request and returning the Electronic Units in full.
4.10. All requirements related to the cancelation of the request are fulfilled by the Service only if at the time of receipt of this request the Service has not sent funds on the request to the details specified by the User.
4.11. As soon as the Service receives from the client a request to cancel the order, it will make a refund to the User within 24 hours. If delays occur through no fault of the Service, the latter is not responsible for them.
4.12. To fulfill its obligations the Service has the right to attract third-party performers to the process.
4.13. The Service reserves the right to unilaterally cancel the transaction and return the funds including the commission to the User’s details. In this case the Service is not obliged to inform the User of the reason of refusal to provide the service.
4.14. If the User violates one or more clauses of this agreement, the Service reserves the right to refuse to provide service to the User.
4.15. The Service will notify the client by e-mail about the refusal in service, after that it will return to the User the funds transferred by him earlier on the application. This refund is carried out within 48 hours. In this case, the commission costs are deducted from the User’s funds to be returned. If through the fault of the Service there are delays in the refund process, only in this case the Service is responsible for them.
4.16. All subsequent Requests created by the User after the refusal of the Service in further servicing of the User are automatically frozen, the refund in this case will be made within 30 calendar days.
4.17. The Service reserves the right to delay the execution of the exchange operation if it needs to carry out the identification of the User. Such identification can be carried out by means of a telephone call or other methods that do not go against the current legislation.
4.18. As soon as the User confirms his/her intention to use the Service, he/she automatically confirms that all funds involved in the process of buying, selling or exchanging belong to him/her legally and are not obtained by illegal means.
4.19. If the tax legislation provides for the payment of taxes and other fees, the User undertakes to pay them himself.
4.20. Terms and Conditions of certain SARs: When making a transaction on cryptocurrencies Efirium, Lightcoin and Bitcoin, the User should take into account that such application will be accepted for execution only after 1 successful confirmed transaction.
4.21 By agreeing to the terms and conditions of the current rules, the User automatically confirms that he/she is not involved in:
– Transactions involving money laundering;
-Transactions involving the receipt of income as a result of terrorist and criminal activities;
-Transactions involving the generation of income as a result of drug trafficking transactions;
-Transactions involving trade operations with countries with which international trade is prohibited by the legislation in force;
-Transactions that involve receiving income from any other illegal activity.
4.22. If due to the fault of the client the confirmation of the application for the purchase, sale or exchange of cryptocurrency was delayed for a period exceeding 8 hours, the Service has the right to require the User to re-create the application for exchange. In addition, the Service reserves the right to return the funds to the User, with a mandatory deduction of the wallet commission of the cryptocurrency for which the transaction is made.
4.23. The Service has the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally, if the User has violated the procedure for using the Service.
4.23.1 The presence in the actions of the client signs of violation of the order of use of the Service is determined at the discretion of the Service.
4.24. When terminating the agreement unilaterally, the Service makes a refund to the details of the sender within 30 calendar days and minus the commission spent for the use of the Service.
5. Privacy Policy
5.1 In order to carry out the operation of exchange, purchase or sale of electronic money or cryptocurrency, the Service asks the User for personal data, which it undertakes to store in encrypted form and not to transfer to third parties, except for the situations mentioned in paragraphs 5.4, 5.5 and 6.5 of this agreement.
5.2 Transactions on the orders received from Users, as well as the transfer of customer data from them to the Service, are carried out via a special encrypted SSL channel (key length – 256 bits).
5.3 If it becomes necessary, the Service reserves the right on its own initiative to collect additional information about the User, by any means, which do not contradict the legislation. Anyway, but any collected information about the client will not be transferred to third parties. Exceptions – clauses 5.4, 5.5 and 6.5 of this agreement.
5.4 The transfer of personal data of Users, as well as details of their transactions may be transferred by court order, official request received in writing from law enforcement agencies, as well as on CRYPTOJET.ONE Service’s own initiative. The confidential status of such data will be preserved.
5.5 Transmission of details of a transaction made by the User may be transmitted by the Service at the official request of the Electronic Settlement systеm, if the purpose of such request is to conduct an internal investigation.
5.6 Any data that the Service receives from Users are further stored in its database for 3 years after the last transaction made by the User. The same is true for the details of the transactions carried out by them.
6. Policy against illegal transactions and money laundering
6.1 According to the current international legislation, the CRYPTOJET.ONE Service follows a certain list of rules and performs procedures, the purpose of which is to prevent the use of CRYPTOJET.ONE for transactions related to money laundering, i.e. those transactions, the main purpose of which is to return illegally obtained securities or money to the financial and economic market, in order to further provide them to the possession of legal methods. The Service also suppresses all transactions that are illegal in nature.
6.2 In order to successfully prevent illegal transactions, the Service has adopted certain requirements to the applications transmitted by Users:
– The recipient and the sender of the payment under the application must not be different persons. Transfers in favor of third parties are prohibited.
– All personal and contact data, which the Customer of the Service specifies in the application, must be up-to-date at the time of submission of such application. The reliability of such data shall not be subject to doubt.
– Requests created by Users using anonymous connections will not be processed by the Service. The creation of such requests is prohibited by our Service.
6.3 In order to prevent possible illegal transactions, the Service CRYPTOJET.ONE:
– Limits the transactions of Users. The set limits depend on such factors as the User’s country of residence, the degree of his/her identification, etc.
– Applies its own systеm of auto-analysis of User’s actions and transactions. All transactions that appear suspicious to the service will be urgently stopped.
– Always adheres to the generally accepted policy, which states – “know who is your client”.
– Obligatorily checks the information received from Users by all available means.
6.4 The Service has the full right not to fulfill Users’ requests, but to freeze them, if it is necessary to receive from them copies of identity documents and copies of documents that are proof of the legal origin of funds.
Cases in which these documents may be requested:
– The User violated the terms and conditions mentioned in clause 6.2. of this Agreement;
– The management of the Service has suspicions that the User is trying to use the Service and its services for the purpose of illegal transactions or money laundering;
– The execution of the User’s request has been suspended by the systеm responsible for preventing fraudulent transactions. In these cases, in order for the Customer’s request to be sent for execution again, the latter undertakes to provide the documents requested by the Service within 7 business days of receiving the request from the Service, and if he refuses to do so – to cancel the request;
– If the User refuses to provide the Service with the documents requested by the Service, the Service has the right to refuse further service.
6.5 The Service has the right to refuse to serve the User, and then to transfer all information collected from the User to law enforcement authorities, if:
– The Service detected transactions aimed at financing of terrorism and laundering of financial resources, as well as providing for any fraud;
– the Service suspects the User that the documents provided by him are fake;
– From law enforcement and other authorized bodies received data that the User of the Service owns funds illegally. This also includes the receipt of any other information that makes it impossible to further fulfill the request from the User;
– The User’s actions are defined as those that may cause damage to the Service, regardless of the nature of this damage – material (physical), non-material, etc. (hereinafter termination p4.23, 4.23.1, 4.23.2);
– The User’s actions may harm the CRYPTOJET.ONE software systеm or are aimed at gaining access to the database of the Service (hereinafter termination of clauses 4.23, 4.23.1, 4.23.2) 6.6. The information received from Users may be verified by the Service by all means.
7. Limitation of liability
7.1 The Service provides its services 24 hours, 7 days a week, and the Service CRYPTOJET.ONE should not be confused with a banking organization, which it is not. The purpose of the Service is to provide users with really high quality services, assuming uninterrupted operation of all components of the program complex.
7.2 The Service does not give any additional guarantees to its clients. All services are provided as they are.
7.3 By agreeing to use the Service, you automatically give your consent to the fact that the entire scope of the Service’s responsibility to Users will be strictly limited to the funds it receives from the latter. CRYPTOJET.ONE has no extra liability to its customers. The User’s own liability to the Service is also limited. Exceptions are the cases specified in clause 7.9.
7.4 The specialists of the Service always do their best to be available 24/7. However, at the same time, this mode of operation is not guaranteed, so CRYPTOJET.ONE itself is not responsible for the losses that the User will suffer due to the Service not working.
7.5 Failures, errors and delays in the process of electronic transfers and bank transactions are also possible, and if for this reason the User has not received profit, the Service is not responsible for these losses.
7.6 CRYPTOJET.ONE is not liable for lost income and losses, which became the reason of the User’s overestimated expectations in relation to the conditions of the Service exchange and other subjective factors.
7.7 If the User made a mistake when specifying the details and the money went to the wrong place – the User is responsible for this, not the Service.
7.8 The User is also responsible for timely payment of taxes and fees, provided by the legislation of his state. The User will not receive any notifications about it from the Service, because the Service is not a tax agent.
7.9 In case of claims and lawsuits from the Service, the User undertakes to compensate for the losses caused, only if the reason for such losses was not the fault of the Service itself.
7.10. The User undertakes not to conduct illegal and fraudulent transactions through the Service, and also agrees that for all attempts to conduct such transactions he will be responsible for the law.
7.11. No tampering of communication flows from the User of the Service will occur, and the User guarantees this. Furthermore, he/she undertakes not to attempt under any circumstances to interfere with the hardware and/or software, nor to perform any other actions that may subsequently cause the Service to stop working.
7.12. If the Service detects that the User is trying to have a negative impact on the program code of the Service or on communication flows, the application created by the User will be frozen and its execution will be suspended. Further, the Service will take the measures mentioned in clause 6.5 of this Agreement.
7.13. If the failure of the Service or the User to fulfill their obligations was caused by force majeure factors (flood, fire, terrorist act, etc.), the parties will not be held liable for them.
7.14. Financial institutions and electronic payment systems are limited to liability within the limits of the funds transferred to them by the client. CRYPTOJET.ONE is not one of the parties to the agreement between the User and the payment systеm, and therefore is not responsible for the fulfillment of the obligations of these parties.
7.15. By accepting the terms of this agreement, the User confirms that he is not a tax resident of the United States or a citizen of this country.
7.16. If the funds are received by the Service 3 months after the User has created an exchange request, they are transferred to the CRYPTOJET.ONE Service. The Service itself decides how to dispose of these funds.
7.17. If the funds have been received by the Service, but no exchange request has been created, the Service has the right to dispose of these funds at its own discretion.
7.18. If the User has specified incorrect details, for the successful fulfillment of the application, he should provide CRYPTOJET.ONE with correct details within 3 months, otherwise the funds are at the full disposal of the Service.
7.19. If the amount of funds specified in the application and actually provided by the User differs, the Service has the right to stop this exchange, and after the User turns to the Service, to make the exchange at the rate that is current at the beginning of the transaction.
8. Dispute resolution and the procedure for accepting claims
8.1 Any disputes regarding the services are solved by negotiations between the management of the Service and the User, based on the provisions of the current agreement:
– All claims from Users are accepted electronically by sending a message on the subject of disputes to the specified details (see “Contacts”).
– If as a result of negotiations the parties failed to resolve the conflict, they will continue to resolve it in accordance with the legislation in force at the registration address of the Service.
9. Final provisions
9.1 The Service has the right to send to the e-mail specified by the customer current data on the exchange process, as well as some other information, also that which has an advertising character.
9.2 All information indicated on the site CRYPTOJET.ONE is the property of the Service, and therefore protected by copyright against unauthorized copying.
9.3 Acceptance of the current agreement automatically means that the User of the Service authorizes the Service to process personal data. By accepting this agreement, the User allows the Service to copy, systematize, store, specify, accumulate, use, block and destroy the information provided by the User.
9.4 If the User does not agree with the processing of personal data, he/she may withdraw his/her consent at any time.
9.5 The User confirms that he/she has read all the provisions of this Agreement and unconditionally accepts them, otherwise the User may not use the Service.
If you still have any questions, write to us in online chat, the button for contact in the lower right part of the screen. Our experts will be happy to answer any of your questions.